Hello all,
We are hoping to be able to upload photos soon, but due to chronic computer difficulties here at the hotel, the bulk of our photos may be a bit delayed.
Day 2:
Our clinic is unique in many ways. First, we are making most of the glasses during the clinic, and there are no reclycled glasses. Our lens making lab is offsight. Our team is split into 3 units: those working in the clinic with the children, those in the lab shift 1 (6:30am-2:30pm) and shift 2 (2:30-11:00pm). So many of us only see eachother at meal times or in passing. The lab runs for 16 hours each day, and we are able to maintain our eyeglass making goals thanks to Lawrence, Rob, Denise and Brandi with Connie and Tim as team leaders. Most of the new eyeglasses will be delivered to the children (at a school) in 1-4 weeks time. However everyone leaving the clinic gets something in hand such as a T-shirt or hat, toy or candy.
Thanks to the thourough pre-screening by the FAV, we have a need rate of 85%. We saw 360 children the first day. The children were a little shy, but very sweet and polite (and quiet!)
The food provided by the FAV has been fabulous, they feed us all the time, we have tried many new things such as yucca, sun aged beef, and different soda which is flavored by an Amazonian fruit (Guarana). We are all eating very well, with no difficulties to speak of.
The cell phone service is horrible, so if your loved one isn´t calling as they said they might, it is because no one can get service.
Signing off, stay tuned for more to come!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It´s not." - Dr. Seuss
The food provided by the FAV has been fabulous, they feed us all the time, we have tried many new things such as yucca, sun aged beef, and different soda which is flavored by an Amazonian fruit (Guarana). We are all eating very well, with no difficulties to speak of.
The cell phone service is horrible, so if your loved one isn´t calling as they said they might, it is because no one can get service.
Signing off, stay tuned for more to come!
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It´s not." - Dr. Seuss
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